About two-thirds of those that experience arm paralysis after stroke are unable to fully use their affected limb six months after stroke (1-3)....
Stroke Information
and Recovery Articles
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Strokes and Stroke Recovery
Muscle Atrophy In The Arm After Stroke And How To Prevent It
Muscle atrophy is the loss of muscle tissue or the thinning of a muscle. This can be due to multiple medical reasons, aging, malnutrition, or...
Tips for One-Handed Cooking
Completing any task one-handed can be very very challenging, especially when it involves a multistep process or dynamic activity that...
Finding Stroke Support Groups
Strokes are well known to create a cascade of medical and functional impairments, such as immobility, depression, loss of autonomy, and reduced...
Adaptive Equipment for Dressing and Daily Activity for Stroke Survivors
It is estimated that 80% of stroke survivors have a one-sided weakness. Anywhere from 20-50% of survivors have tight muscles, often referred to...
Motivational Quotes for Stroke Survivor Recovery
Reclaiming your life after a stroke requires a tremendous amount of physical work. It also takes a high level of mental fortitude to conquer...
Best Stroke Recovery Tools to Regain Arm Function
After a stroke occurs, most survivors will experience a change in arm strength or impairments causing mild to severe difficulty with daily...
Common Roadblocks to Expect After a Stroke
Strokes, known as cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), occur when blood flow in part of the brain is interrupted, denying brain tissue oxygen and...
No Fail Transfers: Five Easy-to-Master Techniques
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. In order to safely transfer please get formal in person training from a professional. This article is...