Up to an estimated, between 65-88% of all individuals who experience a stroke have some level of arm impairment or dysfunction. Two common...
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Strokes and Stroke Recovery
Driving After a Stroke: How to Safely Get Back on the Road
Driving and community mobility may be one of the most vital occupations because of the influence it has on health and well-being. (1) Driving...
The Most Common Types of Tremors After Stroke What They Mean
Introduction: What are Tremors? Tremors are one type of movement disorder and can occur when something in the brain and supportive nervous...
The Ultimate Guide To Pontine Stroke Recovery: What You Need To Know
Introduction to Pontine Strokes If you or a loved one have had a pontine stroke or if you are a healthcare professional that is working with an...
The Complete Guide to Decorticate and Decerebrate Posturing, After Stroke
For all of us, normal posture is an automatic movement that develops a child and involves trunk control, head control, mobility, the ability to...
8 Reasons To See A Physical Therapist If You Had A Stroke
The service and profession of physical therapy (PT), also called physiotherapy, seeks to build a community that improves the health of society...
Shoulder Subluxations (aka Slipped Shoulders) After Stroke
Introduction: What Is A Subluxation? Following the onset of a stroke, it is common that the hemiparetic arm may experience something called a...
Common Questions Surrounding Intimacy and Sexuality Following A Stroke
Education on sexuality and return to intimacy following a stroke is an important functional topic that is sometimes not addressed by the care...
The 7-Steps to Recuperation from Stroke Arm Paralysis
About two-thirds of those that experience arm paralysis after stroke are unable to fully use their affected limb six months after stroke (1-3)....